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» Rani Churs WIP
Rani Churs WIP I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 19, 2013 4:23 am by Rani Churs

Rani Churs WIP

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Rani Churs WIP Empty Rani Churs WIP

Post  Rani Churs Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:23 am

.:Basic Info
Name: Rani Churs
Age: Wouldn’t you like to know?
Gender: Male

Height: 6’
Weight: 160 lbs
Build: Rani is creature of lean muscle, depending on agility and cunning over raw strength.
Hair Color: A dirty ginger, be he.
Eye Color: Variable, often shifting from emerald green to jet black.
Consult sig and/or avatar.
.:Background and Personality
Personality: (Must be at least 100 Words)
You would have my mystery unraveled, but then what would I wear?

Rani thrives on secrecy for survival. Information from the enigma comes at a price, for both the giver and recipient. Churs plays for the highest stakes and the consequences of showing his cards could prove disastrous. Often speaking in riddles and confusing rhetorical, it can be quite tedious to try to glean any information from the hoarder of the clandestine. Of course, that’s one can get him to utter a single word…

The dagger sings for the silent tongue.

Quite the paradox, Rani tends to show either stoic silence or rattling chatter without any evident moderation between the two. Both are employed as defenses to aid his mysterious agenda, and the distraction of his errant tongue can be just as uninformative as his steadfast aversion to words.

I caught a whim once. I found it to be inferior to the other whims running about, and chased after them instead.

Rani is a trickster of varying interests. If there is a rhyme or reason to his meddling, it is known only to Churs. His attention span appears to as inconsistent as everything else with the wandering maverick and his sense of humor shows no determinable patterns.

History:(Must be at least 3 Paragraphs)
Rani’s life began with his death, as far as he is concerned. It was at twenty-one years of age that he learned of his alleged parentage and when things began to become of interest as far as he was concerned.

Orphaned since birth, the meddler remembers little of his first life among the elves of the north.

His demise came in the form of a stray arrow, penetrating the rogue’s heart as he watched a riot unfold. The arrow was a crafty creation; the shaft had been hollowed and filled with a potent toxin. The clever design caused the shaft to splinter on impact, releasing the poison into Churs before realization that he had been hit even reached him. When the elven villagers fled into the Banewood, where they knew the invaders would not follow. When the Welvyr fell upon their cousins, Rani was lost in the commotion and left to die in the treacherous growth of the wilderness.

Barely clinging to the vestiges of life, Rani succumbed to the fever and visions overtook him.

An elf appeared to him in the mist of dreams, clad in the green of the forest. The elf appeared to be both masculine and feminine and spoke with a voice difficult to place. It called itself Chira and told Rani gravely that his life as a mortal was rapidly reaching its end. Chira stated that Churs’ heart had slowed to a stop, and only by accepting his nature and the strength that came with it would he rise again. The elf continued grimly that his return would come at a grave price.

Rani awoke to find himself surrounded by dead leeches, swollen with his toxic blood and a spindly growth of green worming its way through the wounded flesh and holding it together. His return to life began with ragged renewed breathing, followed by rolling onto his side and retching. The motion startled something too fast to identity, and it seized the bloated leeches and vanished with a snarl. Whatever beast of doom it was had been denied its meal.

Affiliation: (Religion, region, etc.)
Believing himself to the be the product of one of the divine, Rani finds himself siding with the plight of the gods.

Home: (Town, region, etc.)
Rani calls all of the Nessic region home, yet no place in particular holds any attachments to the wanderer.

Family: (Mother, father, siblings, etc.)
Rani believes one of his parents is a god, and has suspicions about which, but he knows nothing of either parent. He suspects Sabine Soulis may be an elder sister or cousin from his observations of her, but he cannot be certain.

Sample Post:(Must be at least 2 Paragraphs)
I are teh admin. Hear me rawr. (That means no)

Likes: (Must have at least 3) Rani enjoys nature and the wilderness, as well as indirectly controlling the actions of others and exploring all that the Nessic region has to offer.
Dislikes: (Must have at least 3) Enclosed spaces, being still, the anti-gods agenda.

Strengths: (can be good traits or special abilities) Rani is adept at manipulating others, exceptional at employing measures of stealth to increase his mysterious allure, employs agility and trickery to overcome obstacles and is quite effective in manners of magic via communion with forces unseen.

Weaknesses: (can be bad traits or true physical disabilities) Rani is not a brute, nor is he heavily armored due to the need to move quickly. His aversion to being discovered can make it difficult to like or trust Rani, and his reckless can often endanger himself and those he involves in his schemes. His unpredictable nature makes him difficult to relate to or depend upon, and often results in wrath toward Churs. He also is not very good at holding his alcohol, and this usually spells out trouble for all involved.

Biggest Fear: Being trapped in a small enclosed space.

Mentor(s): The Elven collective, Baal, various practioneers Rani has watched in secret.
Powers: Magic via communion with the unseen forces. Rani doesn't under the details of it himself, but he has found by concentrating his focus and investing his energy while making a request (either silent or aloud), it is possible for it to become reality. The more ambitious the request, the more draining it is upon him and his requests are often unanswered if too unreasonable.
Skills: Melee combat
Avg. Mastery: Rani is only passable with a sword, finding it too heavy for him to use effectively with his active and agile style, but is a force with which to be reckoned when it comes to smaller blades such as knives, daggers and dirks. Dirks he is especially accomplished with, due to training from Baal and the Elves of his childhood.

Avg. Money: (If we do currency) Rani always seems to have just as much funding as he needs at the time. Whether this is due to some sort of magic or simply skillfulll pick-pocketing is anyone's guess. (Hint: it's the latter)
Typically twin dirks, but he has learned the fun way to carry a back up in the form of a knife concealed in the back of each boot.

Armor: (optional)
Rani likes to travel light, and therefore tends to shun armor as a general rule. When he anticipates situations that may make a quick escape difficult, he sometimes adorns leathers to protect himself.

Usual Equipment:
Churs is a resourceful mutt-child, and tends to favor improvising over any static equipment. This may also be related to his mysterious form of traveling, as he usually buys or finds whatever material he needs shortly after arriving a new location and abandons them upon moving on to his next stop.
Rani Churs
Rani Churs

Posts : 12
Join date : 2012-12-03

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